Facts About Finland

If is safe to say that everyone knows what Sauna is. Many even know that the word came from Finnish language. But did you ever think how many saunas can you find in Finland?
Correct answer is that there are over 2 million saunas, which makes it one sauna for less than 3 people! All new homes are built with a sauna, and a lot of new condos are equipped with their own.

There are much more such facts about Finland that may be interesting for you. Here we have collected some of them. Enjoy!


– school system is consistently rated one of the best in the world by OECD based on the PISA tests
– The school lunches are free for every child. And they are healthy and tasty. A lunch always contain regular warm entree and vegetables. No hamburgers or pizza.
– There is no tuition fee in High School and Higher education. Students have to pay only for books and living expences.


– tips are not expected from you anywhere, except for maybe some fancy restaurants
– Life “stops” for Christmas. On eve’s afternoon even public transport doesn’t go


– There are a lot of facilities like swimming pools, gyms, soccer fields etc


– Finnish library system is one of the most advanced in the world. You can get a book delivered from the other part of the country within several days and for free

Health Care

– Medicine is virtually free of charge and is affordable for all


– even 1st graders walk to school and back alone, so safe the country is


– everybody has a right to stay and pick up mushrooms and berries everywhere (except the military objects, of course). If a land is private, the rule is that you must not disturb the owners


– army is mandatory. However, it can be replaced with civil service. One has to serve for only 6 month. Weekends can be spent at home and if home is far, a hotel stand is provided for free. 

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